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DSI`s Intra-Extra-EU Trade Carbon Footprint Database - Time Series View
03 Fish and Crustaceans, Molluscs and Other Aquatic Invertebrates
0304 Fish Fillets and Other Fish Meat, Whether or not Minced, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen
0304 Fish Fillets and Other Fish Meat, Whether or not Minced, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen
0304 (01/1988-..) Fish Fillets and Other Fish Meat, Whether or not Minced, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen
03041011 (01/1988-12/2002) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Trout 'salmo Trutta, Salmo Gairdneri, Salmo Clarki, Salmo Aguabonita, Salmo Gilae'
03041013 (01/1988-12/2006) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Pacific Salmon `oncorhynchus Nerka, Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus Keta, Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus Kisutch, Oncorhynchus Masou and Oncorhynchus Rhodurus`, Atlantic Salmon `salmo Salar` and Danube Salmon `huCho Hucho`
03041015 (01/2003-12/2006) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Trout of the Species `oncorhynchus Mykiss` Weighing > 400 g Each
03041017 (01/2003-12/2006) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Trout `salmo Trutta`, `oncorhynchus Mykiss` Weighing <= 400 g Each, `oncorhynchus Clarki`, `oncorhynchus Aguabonita` and `oncorhynchus Gilae`
03041019 (01/1988-12/2006) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Freshwater Fish (Excl. Trout `salmo Trutta, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Oncorhynchus Clarki, Oncorhynchus Aguabonita and Oncorhynchus Gilae`, Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon and Danube Salmon)
03041031 (01/1988-12/2006) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of cod `gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac, Gadus Macrocephalus` and of Fish of the Species `boreogadus Saida`
03041033 (01/1993-12/2006) Fish Fillets of Coalfish `pollachius Virens`, Fresh or Chilled
03041035 (01/1993-12/2006) Fish Fillets of Redfish `sebastes Spp.`, Fresh or Chilled
03041038 (01/1993-12/2006) Fish Fillets of Saltwater Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Excl. Cod, Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Coalfish and Redfish)
03041039 (01/1988-12/1992) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Saltwater Fish (Excl. cod and Fish of the Species 'boreogadus Saida')
03041091 (01/1988-12/2006) Fresh or Chilled Meat of Freshwater Fish, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03041092 (01/1990-12/1995) Flaps of Herring, Fresh or Chilled, From 15 February to 15 June
03041093 (01/1990-12/1995) Flaps of Herring, Fresh or Chilled, From 16 June to 14 February
03041094 (01/1996-12/1999) Flaps of Herring, Fresh or Chilled, From 1 January to 14 February
03041095 (01/1996-12/1999) Flaps of Herring, Fresh or Chilled, From 15 February to 15 June
03041096 (01/1996-12/1999) Flaps of Herring, Fresh or Chilled, From 16 June to 31 December
03041097 (01/2000-12/2006) Flaps of Herring, Fresh or Chilled
03041098 (01/1990-12/2006) Fish Meat `whether or not Minced`, of Saltwater Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Excl. Fish Fillets and Flaps of Herring)
03041099 (01/1988-12/1989) Fresh or Chilled Meat of Saltwater Fish, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03041110 (01/2007-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Swordfish `xiphias Gladius`
03041190 (01/2007-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Meat `whether or not Minced` of Swordfish `xiphias Gladius` (Excl. Fillets)
03041210 (01/2007-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Toothfish `dissostichus Spp.`
03041290 (01/2007-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Meat `whether or not Minced` of Toothfish `dissostichus Spp.` (Excl. Fillets)
03041901 (01/2010-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Nile Perch (Lates Niloticus)
03041903 (01/2010-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Pangasius (Pangasius Spp.)
03041913 (01/2007-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Pacific Salmon `oncorhynchus Nerka, Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus Keta, Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus Kisutch, Oncorhynchus Masou and Oncorhynchus Rhodurus`, Atlantic Salmon `salmo Salar` and Danube Salmon `huCho Hucho`
03041915 (01/2007-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Trout of the Species `oncorhynchus Mykiss` Weighing > 400 g Each
03041917 (01/2007-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Trout `salmo Trutta`, `oncorhynchus Mykiss` Weighing <= 400 g Each, `oncorhynchus Clarki`, `oncorhynchus Aguabonita` and `oncorhynchus Gilae`
03041918 (01/2010-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Freshwater Fish (Excl. Trout `salmo Trutta, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Oncorhynchus Clarki, Oncorhynchus Aguabonita and Oncorhynchus Gilae`, Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Danube Salmon, Nile Perch and Pangasius)`
03041919 (01/2007-12/2009) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Freshwater Fish (Excl. Trout `salmo Trutta, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Oncorhynchus Clarki, Oncorhynchus Aguabonita and Oncorhynchus Gilae`, Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon and Danube Salmon)
03041931 (01/2007-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of cod `gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac, Gadus Macrocephalus` and of Fish of the Species `boreogadus Saida`
03041933 (01/2007-12/2011) Fillets of Coalfish `pollachius Virens`, Fresh or Chilled
03041935 (01/2007-12/2011) Fillets of Redfish `sebastes Spp.`, Fresh or Chilled
03041939 (01/2007-12/2011) Fillets of Saltwater Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Excl. Swordfish, Toothfish, Cod, Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Coalfish and Redfish)
03041991 (01/2007-12/2011) Fresh or Chilled Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Freshwater Fish (Excl. Fillets)
03041997 (01/2007-12/2011) Flaps of Herring, Fresh or Chilled
03041999 (01/2007-12/2011) Fish Meat `whether or not Minced`, of Saltwater Fish, Fresh or Chilled (Excl. Swordfish, Toothfish, Fish Fillets and Flaps of Herring)
03042011 (01/1988-12/2002) Frozen Fillets of Trout 'salmo Trutta, Salmo Gairdneri, Salmo Clarki, Salmo Aguabonita, Salmo Gilae'
03042013 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Pacific Salmon `oncorhynchus Nerka, Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus Keta, Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus Kisutch, Oncorhynchus Masou and Oncorhynchus Rhodurus`, Atlantic Salmon `salmo Salar` and Danube Salmon `hucho Hucho`
03042015 (01/2003-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Trout of the Species `oncorhynchus Mykiss` Weighing > 400 g Each
03042017 (01/2003-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Trout `salmo Trutta`, `oncorhynchus Mykiss` Weighing <= 400 g Each, `oncorhynchus Clarki`, `oncorhynchus Aguabonita` and `oncorhynchus Gilae`
03042019 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Freshwater Fish (Excl. Trout `salmo Trutta, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Oncorhynchus Clarki, Oncorhynchus Aguabonita and Oncorhynchus Gilae`, Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon and Danube Salmon)
03042021 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of cod `gadus Macrocephalus`
03042029 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of cod `gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac` and of Fish of Species `boreogadus Saida`
03042031 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Coalfish `pollachius Virens`
03042033 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Haddock
03042035 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Redfish `sebastes Marinus`
03042037 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Redfish `sebastes Spp.` (Excl. Sebastes Marinus)
03042041 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Whiting `merlangius Merlangus`
03042043 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Ling `molva Spp.`
03042045 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Tuna `thunnus` and of Fish of the Genus `euthynnus`
03042051 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Mackerel `scomber Australasicus`
03042053 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Mackerel `scomber Scombrus, Scomber Japonicus` and of Fish of the Species `orcynopsis Unicolor`
03042055 (01/1997-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Cape Hake `shallow-water Hake` `merluccius Capensis` and of Deepwater Hake `deepwater Cape Hake` `merluccius Paradoxus`
03042056 (01/1997-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Argentine Hake `southwest Atlantic Hake` `merluccius Hubbsi`
03042057 (01/1988-12/1996) Frozen Fillets of Hake 'merluccius'
03042058 (01/1997-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Hake of the Genus `merluccius` (Excl. of Cape Hake `shallow-water Hake`, of Deepwater Hake `deepwater Cape Hake` and of Argentine Hake `southwest Atlantic Hake`)
03042059 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Hake `urophycis`
03042061 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Dogfish `squalus Acanthias and Scyliorhinus Spp.`
03042069 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Sharks (Excl. Dogfish)
03042071 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Plaice `pleuronectes Platessa`
03042073 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Flounder `platichthys Flesus`
03042075 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Herring `clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii`
03042079 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Megrim `lepidorhombus Spp.`
03042081 (01/1988-12/2003) Frozen Fillets of Ray's Bream 'brama Spp.'
03042083 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Monkfish `lophius Spp.`
03042085 (01/1990-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Alaska Pollack `theragra Chalcogramma`
03042087 (01/1991-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Swordfish `xiphias Gladius`
03042088 (01/2000-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Toothfish `dissostichus Spp.`
03042091 (01/1995-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Blue Grenadier `macruronus Novaezealandiae`
03042094 (01/2004-12/2006) Frozen Fillets of Saltwater Fish (Excl. Cod, Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Coalfish, Haddock, Redfish, Whiting, Ling, Tuna, Fish of the Species Euthynnus, Mackerel, Fish of the Species Orcynopsis Unicolor, Hake, Sharks, Plaice, Flounder, Herring Megrim, Monkfish, Alaska Pollack, Swordfish, Toothfish or Blue Grenadier)
03042095 (01/2000-12/2003) Frozen Fillets of Saltwater Fish (Excl. Cod, Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Coalfish, Haddock, Redfish, Whiting, Ling, Tuna, Fish of the Species Euthynnus, Mackerel, Fish of the Species Orcynopsis Unicolor, Hake, Sharks, Plaice, Flounder, Herring Megrim, Ray's Bream, Monkfish, Alaska Pollack, Swordfish, Toothfish or Blue Grenadier)
03042096 (01/1995-12/1999) Frozen Fillets of Saltwater Fish, N.e.s.
03042097 (01/1991-12/1994) Frozen Fillets of Saltwater Fish, (Excl. 0304.20-21 to 0304.20-87)
03042098 (01/1990-12/1990) Frozen Fillets of Saltwater Fish, (Excl. 0304.20-21 to 0304.20-85)
03042099 (01/1988-12/1989) Frozen Fillets of Saltwater Fish N.e.s.
03042100 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Swordfish `xiphias Gladius`
03042200 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Toothfish `dissostichus Spp.`
03042901 (01/2010-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Nile Perch (Lates Niloticus)
03042903 (01/2010-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Pangasius (Pangasius Spp.)
03042905 (01/2010-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Tilapia (Oreochromis Spp.)
03042913 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Pacific Salmon `oncorhynchus Nerka, Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus Keta, Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus Kisutch, Oncorhynchus Masou and Oncorhynchus Rhodurus`, Atlantic Salmon `salmo Salar` and Danube Salmon `hucho Hucho`
03042915 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Trout of the Species `oncorhynchus Mykiss` Weighing > 400 g Each
03042917 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Trout `salmo Trutta`, `oncorhynchus Mykiss` Weighing <= 400 g Each, `oncorhynchus Clarki`, `oncorhynchus Aguabonita` and `oncorhynchus Gilae`
03042918 (01/2010-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Freshwater Fish (Excl. Trout `salmo Trutta, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Oncorhynchus Clarki, Oncorhynchus Aguabonita and Oncorhynchus Gilae`, Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Danube Salmon, , Nile Perch, Pangasius and Tilapia)`
03042919 (01/2007-12/2009) Frozen Fillets of Freshwater Fish (Excl. Trout `salmo Trutta, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Oncorhynchus Clarki, Oncorhynchus Aguabonita and Oncorhynchus Gilae`, Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon and Danube Salmon)
03042921 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of cod `gadus Macrocephalus`
03042929 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of cod `gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac` and of Fish of Species `boreogadus Saida`
03042931 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Coalfish `pollachius Virens`
03042933 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Haddock
03042935 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Redfish `sebastes Marinus`
03042939 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Redfish `sebastes Spp.` (Excl. Sebastes Marinus)
03042941 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Whiting `merlangius Merlangus`
03042943 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Ling `molva Spp.`
03042945 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Tuna `thunnus` and of Fish of the Genus `euthynnus`
03042951 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Mackerel `scomber Australasicus`
03042953 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Mackerel `scomber Scombrus, Scomber Japonicus` and of Fish of the Species `orcynopsis Unicolor`
03042955 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Cape Hake `shallow-water Hake` `merluccius Capensis` and of Deepwater Hake `deepwater Cape Hake` `merluccius Paradoxus`
03042956 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Argentine Hake `southwest Atlantic Hake` `merluccius Hubbsi`
03042958 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Hake of the Genus `merluccius` (Excl. of Cape Hake `shallow-water Hake`, of Deepwater Hake `deepwater Cape Hake` and of Argentine Hake `southwest Atlantic Hake`)
03042959 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Hake `urophycis`
03042961 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Dogfish `squalus Acanthias and Scyliorhinus Spp.`
03042965 (01/2010-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Porbeagle Shark (Lamna Nasus)
03042968 (01/2010-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Sharks (Excl. Dogfish of the Species `squalus Acanthias`, `scyliorhinus Spp.` and Porbeagle Shark (Lamna Nasus)
03042969 (01/2007-12/2009) Frozen Fillets of Sharks (Excl. Dogfish)
03042971 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Plaice `pleuronectes Platessa`
03042973 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Flounder `platichthys Flesus`
03042975 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Herring `clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii`
03042979 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Megrim `lepidorhombus Spp.`
03042983 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Monkfish `lophius Spp.`
03042985 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Alaska Pollack `theragra Chalcogramma`
03042991 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Blue Grenadier `macruronus Novaezealandiae`
03042999 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Fillets of Saltwater Fish (Excl. Swordfish, Toothfish, Cod, Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Coalfish, Haddock, Redfish, Whiting, Ling, Tuna, Fish of the Species Euthynnus, Mackerel, Fish of the Species Orcynopsis Unicolor, Hake, Sharks, PlaiCe, Flounder, Herring, Megrim, Monkfish, Alaska Pollack or Blue Grenadier)
03043100 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Tilapia `oreochromis Spp.`
03043200 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Catfish `pangasius Spp., Silurus Spp., Clarias Spp., Ictalurus Spp.`
03043300 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Nile Perch `lates Niloticus`
03043900 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Carp `cyprinus Spp., Carassius Spp., Ctenopharyngodon Idellus, Hypophthalmichthys Spp., Cirrhinus Spp., Mylopharyngodon Piceus, Catla Catla, Labeo Spp., Osteochilus Hasselti, Leptobarbus Hoeveni, Megalobrama Spp.`, Eels AnguIlla Spp.` and Snakeheads `channa Spp.`
03044100 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Pacific Salmon `oncorhynchus Nerka, Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus Keta, Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus Kisutch, Oncorhynchus Masou and Oncorhynchus Rhodurus`, Atlantic Salmon `salmo Salar` and Danube Salmon `huCho Hucho`
03044210 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Trout `oncorhynchus Mykiss`, Weighing > 400 g Each
03044250 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Trout `oncorhynchus Apache and Oncorhynchus Chrysogaster`
03044290 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Trout `salmo Trutta, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Oncorhynchus Clarki, Oncorhynchus Aguabonita and Oncorhynchus Gilae` (Excl. of Oncorhynchus Mykiss Weighing > 400 g Each)
03044300 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Flat Fish `pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae`
03044410 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of cod `gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac, Gadus Macrocephalus` and of Boreogadus Saida
03044430 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Coalfish `pollachius Virens`
03044490 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Fish of the Families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (Excl. Cod, Coalfish and Boreogadus Saida)
03044500 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Swordfish `xiphias Gladius`
03044600 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Toothfish `dissostichus Spp.`
03044710 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Picked Dogfish `squalus Acanthias` and Catsharks `scyliorhinus Spp.`
03044720 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Porbeagle Shark `lamna Nasus`
03044730 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Blue Shark `prionace Glauca`
03044790 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Dogfish and Other Sharks (Excl. Picked Dogfish `squalus Acanthias`, Catsharks `scyliorhinus Spp.`, Porbeagle Shark `lamna Nasus` and Blue Shark `prionace Glauca`)
03044800 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Rays and Skates `rajidae`
03044910 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Freshwater Fish, N.e.s.
03044950 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Redfish `sebastes Spp.`
03044990 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Fillets of Fish, N.e.s.
03045100 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Tilapia `oreochromis Spp.`, Catfish `pangasius Spp., Silurus Spp., Clarias Spp., Ictalurus Spp.`, Carp `cyprinus Spp., Carassius Spp., Ctenopharyngodon Idellus, Hypophthalmichthys Spp., Cirrhinus Spp., MylOpharyngodon Piceus, Catla Catla, Labeo Spp., Osteochilus Hasselti, Leptobarbus Hoeveni, Megalobrama Spp.`, Eels `anguilla Spp.`, Nile Perch `lates Niloticus` and Snakeheads `channa Spp.` (Excl. Fillets)
03045200 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Salmonidae (Excl. Fillets)
03045300 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Fish of the Families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (Excl. Fillets)
03045400 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Swordfish `xiphias Gladius` (Excl. Fillets)
03045500 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Toothfish `dissostichus Spp.` (Excl. Fillets)
03045610 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Picked Dogfish `squalus Acanthias` and Catsharks `scyliorhinus Spp.` (Excl. Fillets)
03045620 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Porbeagle Shark `lamna Nasus` (Excl. Fillets)
03045630 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Blue Shark `prionace Glauca` (Excl. Fillets)
03045690 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Dogfish and Other Sharks (Excl. Fillets, Picked Dogfish `squalus Acanthias`, Catsharks `scyliorhinus Spp.`, Porbeagle Shark `lamna Nasus` and Blue Shark `prionace Glauca`)
03045700 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Rays and Skates `rajidae` (Excl. Fillets)
03045910 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Meat of Freshwater Fish, Whether or not Minced (Excl. all Fillets, Tilapias, Catfish, Carp, Eels, Nile Perch, Snakeheads, Salmonidae, Swordfish, Toothfish and Fish of the Families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, MeLanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
03045950 (01/2012-..) Fresh or Chilled Flaps of Herring
03045990 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Chilled Fish Meat, Whether or not Minced (Excl. all Fillets, Freshwater Fish, Flaps of Herring, Tilapias, Catfish, Carp, Eels, Nile Perch, Snakeheads, Salmonidae, Swordfish, Toothfish, Rays, Skates, Dogfish and Other Sharks, and Fish of the FamiLies Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
03046100 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Tilapia `oreochromis Spp.`
03046200 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Catfish `pangasius Spp., Silurus Spp., Clarias Spp., Ictalurus Spp.`
03046300 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Nile Perch `lates Niloticus`
03046900 (01/2017-..) Frozen Fillets of Carp `cyprinus Spp., Carassius Spp., Ctenopharyngodon Idellus, Hypophthalmichthys Spp., Cirrhinus Spp., Mylopharyngodon Piceus, Catla Catla, Labeo Spp., Osteochilus Hasselti, Leptobarbus Hoeveni, Megalobrama Spp.`, Eels `anguilla Spp.`And Snakeheads `channa Spp.`
03047110 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of cod `gadus Macrocephalus`
03047190 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of cod `gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac`
03047200 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Haddock `melanogrammus Aeglefinus`
03047300 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Coalfish `pollachius Virens`
03047411 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Cape Hake `shallow-water Hake` `merluccius Capensis` and Deepwater Hake `deepwater Cape Hake` `merluccius Paradoxus`
03047415 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Argentine Hake `southwest Atlantic Hake` `merluccius Hubbsi`
03047419 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Hake `merluccius Spp.` (Excl. Cape Hake, Deepwater Hake and Argentine Hake)
03047490 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Hake `urophycis Spp.`
03047500 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Alaska Pollack `theragra Chalcogramma`
03047910 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Boreogadus Saida
03047930 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Whiting `merlangius Merlangus`
03047950 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Blue Grenadier `macruronus Novaezelandiae`
03047980 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Ling `molva Spp.`
03047990 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Fish of the Families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (Excl. Cod, Haddock, Coalfish, Hake, Alaska Pollack, Boreogadus Saida, Whiting, Blue Grenadier and Ling)
03048100 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Pacific Salmon `oncorhynchus Nerka, Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus Keta, Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus Kisutch, Oncorhynchus Masou and Oncorhynchus Rhodurus`, Atlantic Salmon `salmo Salar` and Danube Salmon `hucho Hucho`
03048210 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Trout `oncorhynchus Mykiss`, Weighing > 400 g Each
03048250 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Trout `oncorhynchus Apache and Oncorhynchus Chrysogaster`
03048290 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Trout `salmo Trutta, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Oncorhynchus Clarki, Oncorhynchus Aguabonita and Oncorhynchus Gilae` (Excl. of Oncorhynchus Mykiss Weighing > 400 g Each)
03048310 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Plaice `pleuronectes Platessa`
03048330 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Flounder `platichthys Flesus`
03048350 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Megrim `lepidorhombus Spp.`
03048390 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Flat Fish `pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae` (Excl. Plaice, Flounder and Megrim)
03048400 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Swordfish `xiphias Gladius`
03048500 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Toothfish `dissostichus Spp.`
03048600 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Herring `clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii`
03048700 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Tuna `of the Genus Thunnus`, Skipjack or Stripe-bellied Bonito `euthynnus [katsuwonus] Pelamis`
03048811 (01/2017-..) Frozen Fillets of Picked Dogfish `squalus Acanthias` and Catsharks `scyliorhinus Spp.`
03048815 (01/2017-..) Frozen Fillets of Porbeagle Shark `lamna Nasus`
03048818 (01/2017-..) Frozen Fillets of Blue Shark `prionace Glauca`
03048819 (01/2017-..) Frozen Fillets of Dogfish and Other Sharks (Excl. Picked Dogfish `squalus Acanthias`, Catsharks `scyliorhinus Spp.`, Porbeagle Shark `lamna Nasus` and Blue Shark `prionace Glauca`)
03048890 (01/2017-..) Frozen Fillets of Rays and Skates `rajidae`
03048910 (01/2017-..) Frozen Fillets of Freshwater Fish, N.e.s.
03048921 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Redfish `sebastes Marinus`
03048929 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Redfish `sebastes Spp.` (Excl. Sebastes Marinus)
03048930 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Fish of the Genus Euthynnus (Excl. Skipjack or Stripe-bellied Bonito)
03048941 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Mackerel `scomber Australasicus`
03048949 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Mackerel `scomber Scombrus, Scomber Japonicus` and Fish of the Species Orcynopsis Unicolor
03048951 (01/2012-12/2016) Frozen Fillets of Dogfish `squalus Acanthias, Scyliorhinus Spp.`
03048955 (01/2012-12/2016) Frozen Fillets of Porbeagle Shark `lamna Nasus`
03048959 (01/2012-12/2016) Frozen Fillets of Dogfish and Other Sharks (Excl. Dogfish `squalus Acanthias and Scyliorhinus Spp.` and Porbeagle Shark)
03048960 (01/2012-..) Frozen Fillets of Monkfish `lophius Spp.`
03048990 (01/2017-..) Frozen Fish Fillets, N.e.s.
03049005 (01/1994-12/2006) Frozen Surimi
03049010 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Meat of Freshwater Fish, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049020 (01/1996-12/1999) Frozen Meat of Herring 'clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii', Whether or not Minced, From 1 January to 14 February (Excl. Fillets)
03049021 (01/1988-12/1999) Frozen Meat of Herring 'clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii', Whether or not Minced, From 15 February to 15 June (Excl. Fillets)
03049022 (01/2000-12/2006) Frozen Meat of Herring `clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii`, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049025 (01/1988-12/1995) Frozen Meat of Herring 'clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii', Whether or not Minced, From 16 June to 14 February (Excl. Fillets)
03049027 (01/1996-12/1999) Frozen Meat of Herring 'clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii', Whether or not Minced, From 16 June to 31 December (Excl. Fillets)
03049031 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Meat of Redfish `sebastes Spp.`, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049035 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Meat of cod `gadus Macrocephalus`, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049037 (01/1988-12/1988) Frozen Meat of cod 'gadus Morhua, Gadus Oghac' and of Fish of the Species 'boreogadus Saida', Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049038 (01/1989-12/2006) Frozen Meat (Excl. Fillets) of cod `gadus Morhua`
03049039 (01/1989-12/2006) Frozen Meat (Excl. Fillets) of cod `gadus Ogac` and of Fish of the Species `boreogadus Saida`
03049041 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Meat of Coalfish `pollachius Virens`, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049045 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Meat of Haddock `melanogrammus Aeglefinus`, Whether Minced or not (Excl. Fillets)
03049047 (01/1988-12/2003) Frozen Meat of Hake 'merluccius', Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049048 (01/2004-12/2006) Frozen Meat of Hake `merluccius Spp., Urophycis Spp.`, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049049 (01/1988-12/2003) Frozen Meat of Hake 'urophycis', Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049051 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Meat of Megrim, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049055 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Meat of Ray's Bream `brama Spp.`, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049057 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Meat of Monkfish `lophius Spp.`, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049059 (01/1988-12/2006) Frozen Meat of Blue Whiting `micromesistius Poutassou or Gadus Poutassou`, , Whether or not Minced (Excl. Fillets)
03049061 (01/1994-12/2006) Fish Meat of Alaska Pollack 'theragra Chalcogramma', Whether or not Minced, Frozen (Excl. Fish Fillets and Surimi)
03049065 (01/1991-12/2006) Frozen Meat (Excl. Fillets) of Swordfish `xiphias Gladius`
03049097 (01/1994-12/2006) Frozen Meat of Saltwater Fish, Whether or not Minced (Excl. Herrings, Redfish, Norway Haddock, Deepwater Redfish, Fish of the Species Sebastes, Cod, Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Coalfish, Haddock, Hake, Megrim, Ray's Bream, Monkfish, Blue WhitinG, Alaska Pollack or Swordfish)
03049098 (01/1990-12/1990) Frozen Meat (Excl. Fillets) of Seawater Fish (Excl. 0304.90-21 to 0304.90-61)
03049099 (01/1988-12/1989) Frozen Meat of Seawater Fish, Whether or not Minced N.e.s.
03049100 (01/2007-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Swordfish `xiphias Gladius` (Excl. Fillets)
03049200 (01/2007-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Toothfish `dissostichus Spp.` (Excl. Fillets)
03049310 (01/2017-..) Frozen Surimi of Tilapia `oreochromis Spp.`, Catfish `pangasius Spp., Silurus Spp., Clarias Spp., Ictalurus Spp.`, Carp `cyprinus Spp., Carassius Spp., Ctenopharyngodon Idellus, Hypophthalmichthys Spp., Cirrhinus Spp., Mylopharyngodon Piceus, Catla Catla, Labeo Spp., Osteochilus Hasselti, Leptobarbus Hoeveni, Megalobrama Spp.`, Eels `anguilla Spp.`, Nile Perch `lates Niloticus` or Snakeheads `channa Spp.`
03049390 (01/2017-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Tilapia `oreochromis Spp.`, Catfish `pangasius Spp., Silurus Spp., Clarias Spp., Ictalurus Spp.`, Carp `cyprinus Spp., Carassius Spp., Ctenopharyngodon Idellus, Hypophthalmichthys Spp., Cirrhinus Spp., MylopharyngodOn Piceus, Catla Catla, Labeo Spp., Osteochilus Hasselti, Leptobarbus Hoeveni, Megalobrama Spp.`, Eels `anguilla Spp.`, Nile Perch `lates Niloticus` and Snakeheads `channa Spp.` (Excl. Fillets and Surimi)
03049410 (01/2012-..) Frozen Surimi of Alaska Pollack `theragra Chalcogramma`
03049490 (01/2012-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Alaska Pollack `theragra Chalcogramma` (Excl. Fillets and Surimi)
03049510 (01/2012-..) Frozen Surimi of Fish of the Families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (Excl. Alaska Pollack `theragra Chalcogramma`)
03049521 (01/2012-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of cod `gadus Macrocephalus` (Excl. Fillets and Surimi)
03049525 (01/2012-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of cod `gadus Morhua` (Excl. Fillets and Surimi)
03049529 (01/2012-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of cod `gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac, Gadus Macrocephalus` and of Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida (Excl. Fillets and Surimi)
03049530 (01/2012-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Haddock `melanogrammus Aeglefinus` (Excl. Fillets and Surimi)
03049540 (01/2012-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Coalfish `pollachius Virens` (Excl. Fillets and Surimi)
03049550 (01/2012-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Hake `merluccius Spp.` (Excl. Fillets and Surimi)
03049560 (01/2012-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Blue Whiting `micromesistius Poutassou, Gadus Poutassou` (Excl. Fillets and Surimi)
03049590 (01/2012-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Fish of the Families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (Excl. Fillets, Surimi, Alaska Pollack `theragra Chalcogramma`, Cod, Haddock, CoalfIsh, Hake `merluccius Spp.` and Blue Whiting)
03049610 (01/2017-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Picked Dogfish `squalus Acanthias` and Catsharks `scyliorhinus Spp.`
03049620 (01/2017-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Porbeagle Shark `lamna Nasus`
03049630 (01/2017-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Blue Shark `prionace Glauca`
03049690 (01/2017-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Dogfish and Other Sharks (Excl. Picked Dogfish `squalus Acanthias`, Catsharks `scyliorhinus Spp.`, Porbeagle Shark `lamna Nasus` and Blue Shark `prionace Glauca`)
03049700 (01/2017-..) Frozen Meat, Whether or not Minced, of Rays and Skates `rajidae`
03049910 (01/2017-..) Frozen Surimi of Fish N.e.s.
03049921 (01/2017-..) Frozen Meat of Freshwater Fish N.e.s. (Excl. Fillets and Surimi)
03049923 (01/2007-..) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of Herring `clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii` (Excl. Fillets)
03049929 (01/2007-..) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of Redfish `sebastes Spp.` (Excl. Fillets)
03049931 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of cod `gadus Macrocephalus` (Excl. Fillets)
03049933 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of cod `gadus Morhua` (Excl. Fillets)
03049939 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of cod `gadus Ogac` and of Fish of the Species `boreogadus Saida` (Excl. Fillets)
03049941 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of Coalfish `pollachius Virens` (Excl. Fillets)
03049945 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of Haddock `melanogrammus Aeglefinus` (Excl. Fillets)
03049951 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of Hake `merluccius Spp., Urophycis Spp.` (Excl. Fillets)
03049955 (01/2007-..) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of Megrim (Excl. Fillets)
03049961 (01/2007-..) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of Ray's Bream `brama Spp.` (Excl. Fillets)
03049965 (01/2007-..) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of Monkfish `lophius Spp.` (Excl. Fillets)
03049971 (01/2007-12/2011) Frozen Meat `whether or not Minced` of Blue Whiting `micromesistius Poutassou or Gadus Poutassou` (Excl. Fillets)
03049975 (01/2007-12/2011) Fish Meat `whether or not Minced` of Alaska Pollack 'theragra Chalcogramma', Frozen (Excl. Fish Fillets and Surimi)
03049999 (01/2017-..) Frozen Meat of Saltwater Fish N.e.s. (Excl. Fillets and Surimi)
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