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European Union Statistics - Tables on EU policy
Employment and social policy indicators
Social protection performance monitor - indicators
Social protection performance monitor - indicators
Aggregate replacement ratio
At risk of poverty or social exclusion rate for elderly (65+)
At risk-of-poverty rate for the population living in (quasi-)jobless households
At-risk-of-poverty rate
At-risk-of-poverty threshold for a single household
Children at risk of poverty or social exclusion
Early leavers from education and training, age group 18-24
Employment rate of older workers, age group 55-64
Healthy life years at 65 - females
Healthy life years at 65 - males
Housing cost overburden rate
Impact of social transfers (excluding pensions) on poverty reduction by sex
In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate
Inequality of income distribution
Long-term unemployment rate by sex
Median relative income of elderly people - EU-SILC survey
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
Persistent-at-risk-of-poverty rate
Relative median at-risk-of-poverty gap
Self-reported unmet need for medical care by sex
Severe material and social deprivation rate
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex
Youth unemployment ratio (15-24)
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