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European Union Statistics - Tables on EU policy
Employment and social policy indicators
Employment performance monitor - indicators
Employment performance monitor - indicators
Adult participation in learning in the past four weeks by sex
At-risk of poverty rate of unemployed persons
Early leavers from education and training, age group 18-24
Employment rate by sex
Employment rate of low skilled persons, age group 20-64
Employment rate of non-EU nationals, age group 20-64
Employment rate of older workers, age group 55-64
Gender employment gap
Gender pay gap in unadjusted form
Involuntary temporary employment
Labour productivity per person employed and hour worked (EU27_2020=100)
Long-term unemployment rate by sex
Newly employed
Nominal unit labour cost growth
Overall employment growth
Part-time employment rate
Percentage of the population with at least upper secondary educational attainment, age group 25-64
Tax rate on low wage earners - Unemployment trap
Temporary employees as percentage of the total number of employees
Tertiary educational attainment, age group 30-34
Unemployment rate by sex
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex
Youth employment rate, age group 20-29
Youth unemployment rate by sex
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