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OECD International Trade
International Trade By Commodity Statistics (SITC Rev. 3)
0: Food and live animals
05: Vegetables and fruits
054: Vegetables; roots & other edible vegetable products
0545: Other fresh or chilled vegetables
0545: Other fresh or chilled vegetables
05451: Onions and shallots, fresh or chilled
05452: Garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables
05453: Cabbage & similar edible brassicas, fresh, chilled
05454: Lettuce and chicory, fresh or chilled
05455: Carrots, turnips, radishes and other edible roots
05456: Cucumber and gherkins, fresh or chilled
05457: Leguminous vegetables, fresh or chilled
05458: Mushrooms and truffles
05459: Other vegetable, fresh or chilled
0545: Other fresh or chilled vegetables
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