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OECD International Trade
International Trade By Commodity Statistics (HS96)
84: Nuclear reactors, boilers, mchy & mech appliance; parts
8426: Derricks; cranes; straddle carriers, & works trucks fitted with a cra
8426: Derricks; cranes; straddle carriers, & works trucks fitted with a cra
842611: Gantry & overhead travelling cranes on fixed support
842612: Mobile lifting frames on tyres and straddle carriers
842619: Transporter or bridge cranes
842620: Tower cranes
842630: Portal or pedestal jib cranes
842641: Derricks/cranes o works trucks fittd w a crane, self-propelld on tire
842649: Derricks, cranes or work trucks fitted with a crane, self-propelled n
842691: Cranes designed for mounting on road vehicles
842699: Cranes or derricks nes
8426: Derricks; cranes; straddle carriers, & works trucks fitted with a cra
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