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OECD International Trade
International Trade By Commodity Statistics (HS96)
25: Salt; sulphur; earth & ston; plastering mat; lime & cem
2508: Clay nes(exc clay of 68.06) andalusite... w/n calcind; mullite; chamo
2508: Clay nes(exc clay of 68.06) andalusite... w/n calcind; mullite; chamo
250810: Bentonite
250820: Decolourising earths and fuller's earth
250830: Fire-clay
250840: other clays(exc expanded clays of 68.06)
250850: Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite
250860: Mullite
250870: Chamotte or dinas earths
2508: Clay nes(exc clay of 68.06) andalusite... w/n calcind; mullite; chamo
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