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OECD International Trade
International Trade By Commodity Statistics (HS96)
13: Lac; gums, resins & other vegetable saps & extracts.
1302: Vegetable saps & extr; pectic sub etc; agar-agar etc w/n mod, from ve
1302: Vegetable saps & extr; pectic sub etc; agar-agar etc w/n mod, from ve
130211: opium sap
130212: Liquorice extract
130213: Hop extract
130214: Pyrethrum or roots of plants containing rotenone, extracts
130219: Vegetable saps and extracts nes
130220: Pectic substances, pectinates & pectates
130231: Agar-agar
130232: Mucilages & thickeners derived from locust beans & seeds or guar seed
130239: Mucilages & thickeners nes, modifid or not, derivd from vegetable pro
1302: Vegetable saps & extr; pectic sub etc; agar-agar etc w/n mod, from ve
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