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OECD International Trade
International Trade By Commodity Statistics (SITC Rev. 2)
7: Machinery and transport equipment
72: Machinery specialized for particular industries
728: Mach.& equipment specialized for particular ind.
7284: Mach.& appliances for spezialized particular ind.
7284: Mach.& appliances for spezialized particular ind.
72841: Glass working machines and parts
72842: Mach. for the rubber & artifical plastic mat.ind.
72843: Mach.& appliances for tobacco industry
72844: Mach.& appliances for treating wood
72845: Mach.& appliances for treating metals or carbides
72848: Other mach.having individual functions
72849: Parts of the mach.of 723.48 & 727.21, 727.42/48
7284: Mach.& appliances for spezialized particular ind.
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