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OECD International Trade
International Trade By Commodity Statistics (SITC Rev. 3)
5: Chemicals and related products, n.e.s.
53: Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials
531: Synth. organic colouring matter & colouring lakes
5311: Synthetic organic colouring matter & preparations
5311: Synthetic organic colouring matter & preparations
53111: Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon
53112: Acid & mordants dyes, premetallised or not; prepar.
53113: Basic dyes and preparations based thereon
53114: Direct dyes and preparations based thereon
53115: Vat dyes (incl. pigments) & preparat. based thereon
53116: Reactive dyes and preparations thereon
53117: Pigments and preparations based thereon
53119: Other synthetic organic colouring matter
5311: Synthetic organic colouring matter & preparations
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