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OECD International Trade
International Trade By Commodity Statistics (SITC Rev. 3)
0: Food and live animals
06: Sugar, sugar preparations and honey
061: Sugar, molasses and honey
0619: Other sugars, solid form; pure sugar syrups; caramel
0619: Other sugars, solid form; pure sugar syrups; caramel
06191: Lactose and lactose syrup
06192: Maple sugar and maple syrup
06193: Glucose and glucose syrup, fructose < 20% by weight
06194: Glucose & syrup, fructose by weight from 20% to 50%
06195: Pure fructose
06196: Other fructose and syrup, fructose > 50 % by weight
06199: Other sugars (including invert sugar)
0619: Other sugars, solid form; pure sugar syrups; caramel
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