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OECD International Trade
International Trade By Commodity Statistics (HS96)
84: Nuclear reactors, boilers, mchy & mech appliance; parts
84: Nuclear reactors, boilers, mchy & mech appliance; parts
8401: Nuclear reactor; fuel elmnt for reactor; mchy & app for isotopic sepa
8402: Steam/o vapor generatg boiler(o/t central htg); super-heatd watr boil
8403: Central heating boilers other than those of heading no 84.02
8404: Auxiliary plant for boilr of hd 8402/03, condenser for steam power un
8405: Producer gas/water gas gen; acetylene gas gen w/w/o their purifiers
8406: Steam turbines and other vapor turbines
8407: Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary int combu piston eng
8408: Compression-ignition int combu piston eng (diesel or semi-diesel eng)
8409: Part for use solely/principally with the eng of hd no84.07/84.08
8410: Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and regulators thereof
8411: Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other gas turbines
8412: Engines and motors, nes
8413: Pumps for liquids, w/n fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevato
8414: Air/vacuum pumps/air/o gas comp & fans; hoods incorp a fan, w/n w fil
8415: Air cond mach, w motor-driven fan & elmnts for changing temp & humidi
8416: Furnace burners for liquid/pulv solid fuel/gas; mech stokers/grates e
8417: Industrial/laboratory furnaces & ovens, incl incinerators, non-electr
8418: Refrigerator/freezer, elec/o; heat pump o/t air cond mach of headg 84
8419: Machinery, plant/lab, involving a change of temp ex heating, cooking,
8420: Calendaring/other rolling mach, o/t for met/glass, & cylinders theref
8421: Centrifuges, incl centrifugal dryers; filtering/purifying machinery &
8422: Dish washg mach; mchy for clean/drying/ fil/clo/etc; mchy for aeratg
8423: Weighing mchy (excl balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better)
8424: Mechanical appl for proj/dispersing/spray liq/pdr; sand blastg mach,
8425: Pulley tackle & hoists other than skip hoists; winches & capstans; ja
8426: Derricks; cranes; straddle carriers, & works trucks fitted with a cra
8427: Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks fitted with lifting/handling equ
8428: Lifting/handling/loading/unloadg mchy (ex lift/escalator/conveyors),
8429: Self-propelld bulldozer/angledozer/ grader/excavator/shovel loader, e
8430: Moving/grading/scraping/boring mchy for earth; pile driver; snow-plow
8431: Part for use solely/principally with mchy of hd 84.25 to 84.30
8432: Agricultural, hortic/forest mchy for soil prep/cultivation; lawn-roll
8433: Harvesting/threshg mchy, hay mower; mach for clean gradg egg, fruit,
8434: Milking machines and dairy machinery
8435: Presses, crushers & sim mchy used in the mfr of wine/fruit juices/sim
8436: Agricultural, hortic, forest, bee keeping mchy; poultry incubator etc
8437: Machines for cleaning/sort seed, grain; mchy usd in the milling indus
8438: Machinery, nes in this ch, for the ind prep or mfr of food or drink
8439: Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic mat for mak/fin paper
8440: Book-binding machinery including book sewing machines
8441: Machinery for mak up paper pulp, paper/paperbd, incl cut machines, ne
8442: Machinery, app & equip for type-setting; printing type, plates & o pr
8443: Printing machinery; machines for uses ancillary to printing
8444: Machines for extruding, drawing, text/cutting man-made textile materi
8445: Machine for prepr tex fib; spinning, twisting, windg mach for prepr t
8446: Weaving machines (loom)
8447: Knittg machine, stitch-bonding & mach for mak gimpd y/lace, etc, tuft
8448: Auxiliary machinery ex dobbie/jacquard parts & acces ex spindle, comb
8449: Machinery for the mfr/fin of felt/nonwovens, incl hat making machiner
8450: Household or laundry-type washing mach, incl mach which both wash & d
8451: Machinery nes, washing/clean/ironing/impreg tex y, cut/pink tex fabri
8452: Sewing machine, o/t hd no 84.04; furniture spec designd for sew machi
8453: Machinery for prepr, wrkg hide, leather/rep foot/other art of hides/s
8454: Converter, ladle, ingot moulds & casting mach, of a kind usd metal fo
8455: Metal-rolling mills and rolls therefor
8456: Mach-tool for removal of matrl by laser, photon beam, plasma arc proc
8457: Maching centre, unit const mach & multistation transfer mach for wrkg
8458: Lathes for removing metal
8459: Machine-tool for drill/boring/milling, threading/tapping, o/t hd no84
8460: Mach-tool for deburrg/grindg, etc for fin met, sinterd met carbd/cerm
8461: Machine-tool for planing/shapg, etc sawing & other mach-tool for meta
8462: Machine-tool for wrkg met by forging/ hammerg; mach-tool for bendg, e
8463: Machine-tools for wrkg metal, nes sintered met carbd w/o removing mat
8464: Machine-tool for wrkg stone/ceramic/like min mat/for cold working gla
8465: Mach-tool for wrkg wood/cork/bone/ hard rbr & pla, ex nailg/glueing..
8466: Parts & acces for use solely/ princ with the mach of hd 84.56 to 84.6
8467: Tool for workg in the hand, pneumatic/with self-containd non-elec mot
8468: Machy & app for solderg, brazg, w/n capable of cut o/t those of hd 85
8469: Typewriters and word-processing machines
8470: Calculatg mach; accountg mach, cash register, ticket-issuing & sim ma
8471: Automatic data proces mach; optical reader, mach for transcribg data,
8472: office mach (ex hectograph/stencil duplicat/pencil-sharpeng mach)...
8473: Parts & acces o/t cover/carryg cases & sim for use with hd 84.69-84.7
8474: Machinery for sorting/screening/washg; agglomeratg/shapg mineral prod
8475: Machine for assg elec/electrn lamp in gl env; mach for wrkg gl/glassw
8476: Automat goods-vendg mach (ex postage stamp/food/bev); money changg ma
8477: Machinery for wrkg rbr/plas/for the mfr of prod from these material n
8478: Machinery for preparing or making up tobacco, nes in this chapter
8479: Machines & mech appl having indiv func, nes or included in this chapt
8480: Moulding boxe for met foundry; mould base; mld pat; mould for met, pl
8481: Tap, cock, valve for pipe, tank for the like, incl pressure reducing
8482: Ball or roller bearings
8483: Transmission shafts & cranks, bearing housing; gearing; ball screws;
8484: Gaskets & sim joints of met sheeting combined w/other material
8485: Machinery parts, not containing elec connectors, coils, ne in thi cha
84: Nuclear reactors, boilers, mchy & mech appliance; parts
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