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OECD International Trade
International Trade By Commodity Statistics (HS96)
72: Iron and steel.
7225: Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of 600mm or mor
7225: Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of 600mm or mor
722511: Flat-Rolled Products of Silicon-Electrical Steel, wth >=600 Mm, Grain-oriented
722519: Flat-Rolled Prdts of Silicon-Elec. Steel, width >=600 Mm, Non-Grain-oriented
722520: Flat rolled products of high speed steel >/=600mm wide
722530: Flat rolled prod, as, o/t stainless, in coils, nfw thn hr, w>/=600mm,
722540: Flat rolled prod, as, o/t stainless, nic nfw thn hr, >/=600mm wide, n
722550: Flat rolld prod, as, o/t stainless, nfw thn cold rolld, >/=600mm wide
722591: Flat-Rolled Products of Alloy Steel Electrolytically Plated or Coated With Zinc
722592: Flat-Rolled Products of Alloy Steel Plated or Coated With Zinc
722599: Other flat-Rolled Products of Alloy Steel other Than Stainless, wdth >=600 Mm
7225: Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of 600mm or mor
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