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OECD International Trade
International Trade By Commodity Statistics (HS96)
72: Iron and steel.
7219: Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of 600mm or more
7219: Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of 600mm or more
721911: Flat rolld prod, stainless steel, hr, in coil, w>/=600mm, thk> 10mm
721912: Flat rolld prod, stainless steel, hr, in coil, w>/=600mm, 4.75</=thk<
721913: Flat rolld prod, stainless steel, hr in coil, w>/=600mm, 3</=thk<4.75
721914: Flat rolld prod, stainless steel, hr in coil, w>/=600mm, thk< 3mm
721921: Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, hr, nic, >/=600mm wide, over 10mm
721922: Flat rolld prod, stainless steel, hr, nic, w>/=600mm, 4.75mm</=thk</=
721923: Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, hr, nic, w>/=600mm, 3mm</=thk <4.7
721924: Flat rolld prod, stainless steel, hr, nic, >600mm wide, less than 3mm
721931: Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, cr, >600mm wide, 4.75mm or more th
721932: Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, cr, w>/=600mm, 3mm</=thick <4.75mm
721933: Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, cr, 600mm wide, 1mm <thick <3mm
721934: Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, cr, w>/=600mm, 0.5mm</=thick <1mm
721935: Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, cr, >600mm wide, less than 0.5mm t
721990: Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, 600mm or more wide, nes
7219: Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of 600mm or more
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