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OECD International Trade
International Trade By Commodity Statistics (HS96)
29: organic chemicals.
2937: Hormones; their deriv; steroids nes, used primarily as hormones
2937: Hormones; their deriv; steroids nes, used primarily as hormones
293710: Pituitary anterior hormones and their derivatives, in bulk
293721: Cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone and prednisolone, in bulk
293722: Halogenated derivatives of adrenal cortical hormones, in bulk
293729: Adrenal cortical hormon nes, in blk; deriv of adren cor horm, nes, in
293791: Insulin and its salts, in bulk
293792: oestrogens and progestogens, in bulk
293799: Hormones nes & thr derivs, in bulk; steroids nes usd prim as horm, in
2937: Hormones; their deriv; steroids nes, used primarily as hormones
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