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US Short-term Macro-economic Indicators (Federal Reserve St. Louis)
National Accounts
Flow of Funds
Flow of Funds
B.101 Balance Sheet of Households and Nonprofit Organizations
B.103 Balance Sheet of Nonfinancial Corporate Business
B.104 Balance Sheet of Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business
D.3 Credit Market Debt Outstanding by Sector
L.1 Credit Market Debt Outstanding
L.203 Net Interbank Transactions
L.208 Debt Securities
L.214 Loans
S.1 Total Economy - Current Account
S.2 Selected Aggregates for Total Economy and Sectors
S.3 Households and Nonprofit Institutions Serving Households
S.4 Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business
S.5 Nonfinancial Corporate Business
S.6 Financial Business
S.7 Federal Government
S.8 State and Local Governments
S.9 Rest of the World
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