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European Union Statistics - Production statistics EUROPROMS
11 Manufacture of beverages
1102 Manufacture of wine from grape
110212 Wine of fresh grapes, except sparkling wine/ grape must
110212 Wine of fresh grapes, except sparkling wine/ grape must
11021211 White wine in specified regions (v.q.p.r.d.)
11021215 Wine and grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol, put up with pressure of CO2 in solution >=1 bar < 3, at 20°C (excluding sparkling wine)
11021217 Quality wine and grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol, v.q.p.r.d. of an alcoholic strength of <=15% excluding white wine and sparkling wine
11021220 Wine and grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol, of an alcoholic strength <=15% (excluding white wine and sparkling wine v.q.p.r.d.)
11021231 Port, Madeira, Sherry and other > 15% alcohol
11021250 Grape must (excluding alcohol duty)
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