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European Union Statistics - Database by themes
Railway transport
Railway transport measurement - goods
Historical Data (1982-2002)
Historical Data (1982-2002)
International transport of goods from the loading country to the reporting country (Monthly data) (1982-2002)
International transport of goods from the reporting country to the unloading country (Monthly data) (1982-2002)
National transport (Directive 80/1177/EEC) (monthly data) (1982-2002)
National transport by loading region and by group of goods (Directive 80/1177/EEC) (1982-2002)
National transport of goods by distance class and group of goods (1982-2002)
National transport of goods by unloading region and by group of goods (1982-2002)
Transit transport by group of goods (1982-2002)
Transport of containers or road vehicles (1982-2002)
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