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DSI`s Intra-Extra-EU Trade Carbon Footprint Database - Time Series View
40 Rubber and Articles Thereof
4013 Inner Tubes, of Rubber
4013 Inner Tubes, of Rubber
4013 (01/1988-..) Inner Tubes, of Rubber
40131000 (01/2009-..) Inner Tubes, of Rubber, of a Kind Used on Motor Cars, Incl. Station Wagons and Racing Cars, Buses and Lorries
40131010 (01/1988-12/2008) Inner Tubes, of Rubber, of a Kind Used on Motor Cars, Incl. Station Wagons and Racing Cars
40131090 (01/1988-12/2008) Inner Tubes, of Rubber, of a Kind Used on Buses or Lorries
40132000 (01/1988-..) Inner Tubes, of Rubber, of a Kind Used for Bicycles
40139000 (01/2004-..) Inner Tubes, of Rubber (Excl. Those of a Kind Used on Motor Cars, Incl. Station Wagons and Racing Cars, Buses, Lorries and Bicycles)
40139010 (01/1988-12/2003) Inner Tubes, of Rubber, of a Kind Used on Motorcycles
40139090 (01/1988-12/2003) Inner Tubes, of Rubber (Excl. Those of a Kind Used on Motor Cars, Incl. Station Wagons and Racing Cars, Buses, Lorries, Bicycles and Motorcycles)
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