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DSI`s Intra-Extra-EU Trade Carbon Footprint Database - Time Series View
31 Fertilisers
3104 Mineral or Chemical Potassic Fertilisers (Excl. Those in Tablets or Similar Forms, or in Packages With a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg)
3104 Mineral or Chemical Potassic Fertilisers (Excl. Those in Tablets or Similar Forms, or in Packages With a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg)
3104 (01/1988-..) Mineral or Chemical Potassic Fertilisers (Excl. Those in Tablets or Similar Forms, or in Packages With a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg)
31041000 (01/1988-12/2006) Carnallite, Sylvite and Other Crude Natural Potassium Salts (Excl. Those in Pellet or Similar Forms, or in Packages With a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg)
31042010 (01/1988-..) Potassium Chloride Containing <= 40% Potassium Monoxide in Relation to the Weight of the dry Product (Excl. That in Tablets or Similar Forms, or in Packages With a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg)
31042050 (01/1988-..) Potassium Chloride Containing > 40% but <= 62% Potassium Monoxide in Relation to the Weight of the dry Product (Excl. That in Tablets or Similar Forms, or in Packages With a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg)
31042090 (01/1988-..) Potassium Chloride Containing > 62% Potassium Monoxide in Relation to the Weight of the dry Product (Excl. That in Tablets or Similar Forms, or in Packages With a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg)
31043000 (01/1988-..) Potassium Sulphate (Excl. That in Tablets or Similar Forms, or in Packages With a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg)
31049000 (01/2007-..) Carnallite, Sylvite and Other Crude Natural Potassium Salts, Potassium Magnesium Sulphate and Mixtures of Potassic Fertilisers, E.g. Mixtures of Potassium Chloride and Potassium Sulphate (Excl. Those in Tablets or Similar Forms, or in Packages With a GroSs Weight of <= 10 Kg)
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