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DSI`s Intra-Extra-EU Trade Carbon Footprint Database - Time Series View
08 Edible Fruit and Nuts, Peel of Citrus Fruits or Melons
0805 Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried
0805 Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried
0805 (01/1988-..) Citrus Fruit, Fresh or Dried
08051001 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, From 1 January to 31 March
08051005 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins, From 1 January to 31 May
08051009 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Sweet Oranges, From 1 January to 31 March (Excl. Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins)
08051010 (01/1998-12/2004) Fresh Sanguines and Semi-sanguines
08051011 (01/1988-12/1997) Fresh Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, From 1 to 30 April
08051015 (01/1988-12/1997) Fresh Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencialates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins, From 1 to 30 April
08051019 (01/1988-12/1997) Fresh Sweet Oranges From 1 to 30 April (Excl. Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencialates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins)
08051020 (01/2005-12/2016) Fresh Sweet Oranges
08051021 (01/1988-12/1997) Fresh Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, From 1 to 15 May
08051022 (01/2017-..) Fresh Navel Oranges
08051024 (01/2017-..) Fresh White Oranges
08051025 (01/1988-12/1997) Fresh Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencialates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins, From 1 to 15 May
08051028 (01/2017-..) Fresh Sweet Oranges (Excl. Navel and White Oranges)
08051029 (01/1988-12/1997) Fresh Sweet Oranges From 1 to 15 may (Excl. Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencialates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins)
08051030 (01/1998-12/2004) Fresh Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins
08051031 (01/1996-12/1997) Fresh Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, From 16 to 31 May
08051032 (01/1995-12/1995) Fresh Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, From 16 may to 30 September
08051033 (01/1996-12/1997) Fresh Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins, From 16 to 31 May
08051034 (01/1995-12/1995) Fresh Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins, From 16 may to 30 September
08051035 (01/1996-12/1997) Fresh Sweet Oranges, From 16 to 31 may (Excl. Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins)
08051036 (01/1995-12/1995) Fresh Sweet Oranges, From 16 may to 15 October (Excl. Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins)
08051037 (01/1996-12/1997) Fresh Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, From 1 June to 30 September
08051038 (01/1996-12/1997) Fresh Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins, From 1 June to 30 September
08051039 (01/1996-12/1997) Fresh Sweet Oranges, From 1 June to 30 September (Excl. Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins)
08051041 (01/1988-12/1994) Fresh Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, From 16 October to 31 March
08051042 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, From 1 to 15 October
08051044 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins, From 1 to 15 October
08051045 (01/1988-12/1994) Fresh Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencialates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins, From 16 October to 31 March
08051046 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Sweet Oranges, From 1 to 15 October (Excl. Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins)
08051049 (01/1988-12/1994) Fresh Sweet Oranges From 16 October to 31 March (Excl. Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencialates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins)
08051050 (01/1998-12/2004) Fresh Sweet Oranges (Excl. Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins)
08051051 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, From 16 October to 30 November
08051055 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins, From 16 October to 30 November
08051059 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Sweet Oranges, From 16 October to 30 November (Excl. Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins)
08051061 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, From 1 to 31 December
08051065 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins, From 1 to 31 December
08051069 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh Sweet Oranges, From 1 to 31 December (Excl. Sanguines and Semi-sanguines, Navels, Navelines, Navelates, Salustianas, Vernas, Valencia Lates, Maltese, Shamoutis, Ovalis, Trovita and Hamlins)
08051070 (01/1988-12/1994) Fresh or Dried Oranges, From 1 April to 15 October (Excl. Fresh Sweet Oranges)
08051080 (01/2000-..) Fresh or Dried Oranges (Excl. Fresh Sweet Oranges)
08051082 (01/1995-12/1999) Fresh or Dried Oranges, From 1 January to 31 March (Excl. Fresh Sweet Oranges)
08051084 (01/1995-12/1999) Fresh or Dried Oranges, From 1 April to 15 October (Excl. Fresh Sweet Oranges)
08051086 (01/1995-12/1999) Fresh or Dried Oranges, From 16 October to 31 December (Excl. Fresh Sweet Oranges)
08051090 (01/1988-12/1994) Fresh or Dried Oranges, From 16 October to 31 March (Excl. Fresh Sweet Oranges)
08052010 (01/1998-12/2016) Fresh or Dried Clementines
08052011 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Clementines, From 1 January to end February
08052013 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Monreales or Satsumas, From 1 January to end February
08052015 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Mandarins and Wilkings, From 1 January to end February
08052017 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Tangerines, From 1 January to end February
08052019 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Tangelos, Ortaniques, Malaquinas and Similar Citrus Hybrids, From 1 January to end February (Excl. Clementines, Monreales, Satsumas, Mandarins, Wilkings and Tangerines)
08052021 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Clementines, From 1 March to 31 October
08052023 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Monreales or Satsumas, From 1 March to 31 October
08052025 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Mandarins and Wilkings, From 1 March to 31 October
08052027 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Tangerines, From 1 March to 31 October
08052029 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Tangelos, Ortaniques, Malaquinas and Similar Citrus Hybrids, From 1 March to 31 October (Excl. Clementines, Monreales, Satsumas, Mandarins, Wilkings and Tangerines)
08052030 (01/1998-12/2016) Fresh or Dried Monreales and Satsumas
08052031 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Clementines, From 1 November to 31 December
08052033 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Monreales or Satsumas, From 1 November to 31 December
08052035 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Mandarins and Wilkings, From 1 November to 31 December
08052037 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Tangerines, From 1 November to 31 December
08052039 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Tangelos, Ortaniques, Malaquinas and Similar Citrus Hybrids, From 1 November to 31 December (Excl. Clementines, Monreales, Satsumas, Mandarins, Wilkings and Tangerines)
08052050 (01/1998-12/2016) Fresh or Dried Mandarins and Wilkings
08052070 (01/1998-12/2016) Fresh or Dried Tangerines
08052090 (01/1998-12/2016) Fresh or Dried Tangelos, Ortaniques, Malaquinas and Similar Citrus Hybrids (Excl. Clementines, Monreales, Satsumas, Mandarins, Wilkings and Tangerines)
08052110 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Dried Satsumas
08052190 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Dried Mandarins Incl. Tangerines (Excl. Clementines and Satsumas)
08052200 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Dried Clementines Incl. Monreales
08052900 (01/2017-..) Fresh or Dried Wilkings and Similar Citrus Hybrids
08053010 (01/1998-12/2001) Fresh or Dried Lemons 'citrus Limon, Citrus Limonum'
08053020 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Lemons 'citrus Limon, Citrus Limonum', From 1 January to 31 May
08053030 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Lemons 'citrus Limon, Citrus Limonum', From 1 June to 31 October
08053040 (01/1995-12/1997) Fresh or Dried Lemons 'citrus Limon, Citrus Limonum', From 1 November to 31 December
08053090 (01/1988-12/2001) Fresh or Dried Limes
08054000 (01/2000-..) Fresh or Dried Grapefruit
08054010 (01/1995-12/1995) Fresh or Dried Grapefruit, From 1 November to 30 April
08054020 (01/1996-12/1999) Fresh or Dried Grapefruit, From 1 January to 30 April
08054090 (01/1995-12/1999) Fresh or Dried Grapefruit, From 1 may to 31 October
08054095 (01/1996-12/1999) Fresh or Dried Grapefruit, From 1 November to 31 December
08055010 (01/2002-..) Fresh or Dried Lemons `citrus Limon, Citrus Limonum`
08055090 (01/2002-..) Fresh or Dried Limes `citrus Aurantifolia, Citrus Latifolia`
08059000 (01/2002-..) Fresh or Dried Citrus Fruit (Excl. Oranges, Lemons `citrus Limon, Citrus Limonum`, Limes `citrus Aurantifolia, Citrus Latifolia`, Grapefruit, Mandarins, Incl. Tangerines and Satsumas, Clementines, Wilkings and Similar Citrus Hybrids)
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