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DSI`s Intra-Extra-EU Trade Carbon Footprint Database - Time Series View
83 Miscellaneous Articles of Base Metal
8303 Armoured or Reinforced Safes, Strong-boxes and Doors and Safe Deposit Lockers for Strong-rooms, Cash or Deed Boxes and the Like, of Base Metal
8303 Armoured or Reinforced Safes, Strong-boxes and Doors and Safe Deposit Lockers for Strong-rooms, Cash or Deed Boxes and the Like, of Base Metal
8303 (01/1988-..) Armoured or Reinforced Safes, Strong-boxes and Doors and Safe Deposit Lockers for Strong-rooms, Cash or Deed Boxes and the Like, of Base Metal
83030010 (01/1988-12/2010) Armoured or Reinforced Safes and Strongboxes, of Base Metal
83030030 (01/1988-12/2010) Armoured or Reinforced Doors and Safe Deposit Lockers for Strongrooms, of Base Metal
83030040 (01/2011-..) Armoured or Reinforced Safes, Strongboxes and Doors and Safe Deposit Lockers for Strongrooms, of Base Metal
83030090 (01/1988-..) Cash or Deed Boxes and the Like, of Base Metal (Excl. Armoured or Reinforced Safes, Strongboxes, Doors and Safe Deposit Lockers for Strongrooms)
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