Massive Data Analysis supports your research work by exploring 100+ million of time series within the split of a second for strong correlations:
It's possible to add/define a time shift function that might help you identify indicators correlating with a time delay, e.g. leading or lagging indicators. Make your choice.
Most sources often provide the same indicators in various databases - but not in all cases updated on the same level. In the case of multiple sources - as provided by the AllthatStats platform - most likely, more up-to-data series or series coming up with more complete data histories might be available somewhere out there. Or time series are available in various units: expressed at market/constant prices, in national currencies/international $, at constant prices, -exchange rates, -ppp, indexes, etc.
You are looking for the European Union's latest figures on "GDP per capita".
Go to "Data Analysis" and run a keyword search directly with Massive Data Analysis. Key in "gdp per capita European Union". The hit list is shown immediately. Make your choice: the second hit provides a series (for EU 28 countries) spanning the time range from 1995-2013. Press "Continue" and within seconds, Massive Data presents additional time series showing similiar GDP patterns but varying time spans and units ranked by the corresponding correlation coefficients.
Start a retrieval at AllThatStats' services "Databases" or "Communicate". Open your "Selection" and run "Data Analysis" by time series on the fly.