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European Union Statistics - Database by themes
Population and social conditions
Managed migration
Enforcement of Immigration Legislation
Enforcement of Immigration Legislation
Third country nationals found to be illegally present - annual data (rounded)
Third country nationals ordered to leave - annual data (rounded)
Third country nationals ordered to leave by citizenship, age and sex - quarterly data (rounded)
Third country nationals refused entry at the external borders - annual data (rounded)
Third country nationals returned following an order to leave - annual data (rounded)
Third-country nationals returned following an order to leave, by type of return, citizenship, country of destination, age and sex – quarterly data
Third-country nationals who have left the territory by type of assistance received and citizenship
Third-country nationals who have left the territory by type of return and citizenship
Third-country nationals who have left the territory to a third country by destination country and citizenship
Third-country nationals who have left the territory to a third country by type of agreement procedure and citizenship
Third-country unaccompanied minors ordered to leave, by citizenship, age and sex of the minor – quarterly data (rounded)
Third-country unaccompanied minors returned following an order to leave, by type of return, citizenship, country of destination, age and sex of the minor – quarterly data (rounded)
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