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European Union Statistics - Database by themes
Population and social conditions
Decisions on applications and resettlement
Decisions on applications and resettlement
Asylum recognition rate indicators
Decisions on applications and resettlement – historical data
Decisions on applications of unaccompanied minors and resettlement of unaccompanied minors
Decisions withdrawing status granted as final decision in appeal or review by type of status withdrawn - annual data
Decisions withdrawing status granted at first instance decision by type of status withdrawn, citizenship and reason - annual aggregated data
Decisions withdrawing status granted at first instance decision by type of status withdrawn, citizenship and reason- quarterly data
Final decisions in appeal or review on applications by citizenship, age and sex - annual data
First instance decisions on applications by citizenship, age and sex - annual aggregated data
First instance decisions on applications by citizenship, age and sex - quarterly data
Resettled persons by age, sex and citizenship - annual data
Resettled persons by age, sex, citizenship and country of previous residence - annual data
Resettled persons by age, sex, citizenship and decision - annual data
Resettled persons by age, sex, citizenship and resettlement framework - annual data
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