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European Union Statistics - Database by themes
General and regional statistics
Non EU countries
Non EU countries - historical data
Southern European Neighbourhood Policy countries (ENP-South) - historical data
Air transport equipment: number of aircrafts
Air transport infrastructure: airports
Air transport infrastructure: length of paved runways
Air transport traffic: freight and passengers
Air transport traffic: number of aircraft movements
Maritime equipment - carrying capacity of ships of 1 000 grt and over
Maritime equipment - carrying capacity of ships of 300 grt and over
Maritime equipment - number of ships of 1 000 grt and over
Maritime equipment - number of ships of 300 grt and over
Maritime traffic: passengers and freight
Maritime traffic: ship movements
Maritime transport infrastructure: ports
Rail equipment: number and capacity of railways vehicles
Rail equipment: number and load capacity of goods transport wagons
Rail equipment: number of locomotives and passenger railways vehicles
Rail infrastructure: length of network
Rail passenger and freight traffic
Road accidents: persons killed
Road equipment: load capacity of lorries
Road equipment: new registrations by categories
Road equipment: number of road vehicles by age
Road equipment: number of road vehicles by categories
Road infrastructure: lenght of road network
Road traffic: road freight transport in volume
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