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European Union Statistics - Database by themes
Population and social conditions
Labour market
Employment and unemployment (Labour force survey)
LFS ad-hoc modules
LFS ad-hoc modules - historical data
2003. Lifelong learning
2003. Lifelong learning
Computer based learning participants by educational attainment level and labour status
Computer based learning participants by sex and age
Fields of study in formal education by sex and labour status
Mean instruction hours per employed participant in non-formal education and training by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
Mean instruction hours per employed participant in non-formal education and training by sex and occupation
Mean instruction hours per participant in non-formal education and training by field of learning
Mean instruction hours per participant in non-formal education and training by sex and age
Mean instruction hours per participant in non-formal education and training by sex and labour status
Participants studying by making use of educational broadcasting by educational attainment level and labour status
Participants studying by making use of educational broadcasting by sex and age
Participants studying in libraries or learning centres by educational attainment level and labour status
Participants studying in libraries or learning centres by sex and age
Participation in any learning activities by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
Participation in any learning activities by degree of urbanisation
Participation in any learning activities by educational attainment level and labour status
Participation in any learning activities by occupation
Participation in any learning activities by sex and age
Participation in any learning activities by size of the local unit
Participation in formal education by degree of urbanisation
Participation in formal education by educational attainment level and labour status
Participation in formal education by sex and age
Participation in formal education by sex and labour status
Participation in informal learning by degree of urbanisation
Participation in informal learning by educational attainment level and labour status
Participation in informal learning by sex and age
Participation in job-related non-formal education and training by size of the local unit
Participation in non-formal education and training by degree of urbanisation
Participation in non-formal education and training by educational attainment level and labour status
Participation in non-formal education and training by main reason for participating in the taught activity
Participation in non-formal education and training by number of activities
Participation in non-formal education and training by number of taught activities, sex and age
Participation in non-formal education and training by number of taught activities, sex and labour status
Participation in non-formal education and training by sex and age
Participation in non-formal education and training within (or not) paid hours by sex and labour status
Participation in non-formal education and training within (or not) paid working hours
Participation of employed persons in non-formal education and training activities on foreign languages and computers by sex and occupation
Participation of employed persons in non-formal education and training by field of study, sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
Participation of employed persons in non-formal education and training by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
Participation of employed persons in non-formal education and training by sex and occupation
Self-studying (with printed materials) participants by educational attainment level and labour status
Self-studying (with printed materials) participants by sex and age
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