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European Union Statistics - Database by themes
Population and social conditions
Labour market
Employment and unemployment (Labour force survey)
Health and safety at work
LFS ad-hoc modules
2007. Work related accidents, health problems and hazardous exposure
2013. Accidents at work and other work-related health problems
2020. Accidents at work and other work-related health problems
Accidents at work and other work-related health problems (source LFS)
Exposure to risk factors for physical health and mental well-being
Exposure to risk factors for physical health and mental well-being
Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental well-being by sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity
Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental well-being by sex, age and educational attainment level
Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental well-being by sex, age and factor
Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental well-being by sex, age and size of enterprise
Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect physical health by sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity
Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect physical health by sex, age and educational attainment level
Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect physical health by sex, age and factor
Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect physical health by sex, age and size of enterprise
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