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European Union Statistics - Database by themes
General and regional statistics
Degree of urbanisation
Living conditions and welfare
EU-SILC ad-hoc modules
2016 - Access to services
2016 - Access to services
Children by household type, income group, degree of urbanisation and main reason for not meeting needs for formal childcare services
Children receiving formal childcare services by age, income group and degree of urbanisation
Children receiving formal childcare services by household type, income group, degree of urbanisation and level of difficulty to afford formal childcare services
Persons by sex, age, household type, income group, degree of urbanisation and main reason for not meeting needs for formal education
Persons paying for formal education by household type, income group, degree of urbanisation and level of difficulty to pay
Persons providing informal care or assistance by sex, age, degree of urbanisation, most frequent activity status and frequency
Persons providing or not informal homecare services by sex, age, degree of urbanisation, most frequent activity status and adressee of care
Persons using or not professional homecare services by household type, income group, degree of urbanisation and reason for not using professional homecare services
Persons using professional homecare services by household type, income group and degree of urbanisation
Persons using professional homecare services by household type, income group, degree of urbanisation and frequency
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