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European Union Statistics - Database by themes
Population and social conditions
Demography, population stock and balance
Fertility (national level)
Fertility (national level)
Abortion indicators
Fertility indicators
Fertility rates by age
Legally induced abortions by mother's age
Legally induced abortions by mother's age and number of previous live births
Live births (total) by month
Live births by birth weight and duration of gestation
Live births by mother's age and activity status
Live births by mother's age and birth order
Live births by mother's age and citizenship
Live births by mother's age and country of birth
Live births by mother's age and educational attainment level
Live births by mother's age and legal marital status
Live births by mother's age and newborn's sex
Live births by mother's year of birth (age reached) and birth order
Live births by mother's year of birth (age reached) and legal marital status
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