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European Union Statistics - Database by themes
Industry, trade and services
Business structure and dynamics
Structural business statistics
Structural business statistics - historical data
SBS - services
Business services statistics
Business services: reference year 2004
Business services: reference year 2004
Income from intellectual property rights for computer services
Main economic variables by employment size class (2004)
Number of enterprises by importance of barriers met in cross border trade and economic activity
Number of enterprises by importance of barriers met in cross border trade and employment size class
Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by economic activity
Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by employment size class
Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by reasons for cross border trade and economic activity
Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by reasons for cross border trade and employment size class
Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by type of cross border trade and economic activity
Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by type of cross border trade and employment size class
Purchases of advertising space or time for resale
Turnover by residence of client, employment size class and economic activity (2004)
Turnover by type of client and economic activity
Turnover by type of media for advertising services
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