The Intra-Extra-EU Trade database provides access to the trade flows (import and export) at the level of goods between the EU member states (intra trade) and between each of them and their extra-EU trading partners worldwide (extra trade), e.g.
"Intra-Extra-EU" lists thousands of traded goods on an annual and monthly basis by trade value, quantity and number.
"The two main data items used in the concept of international trade are imports and exports. Imports of goods measures the value of goods that enter the domestic territory of a country irrespective of their final destination. Exports of goods similarly measures the value of goods which leave the domestic territory of a country, irrespective of whether they have been processed in the domestic territory or not." OECD, Paris
Important: Discrepancies may exist between Eurostat data and national data due to the use of a different concept for the data provided to Eurostat (that has to be harmonised according to the Community concept). These reasons can refer to:
• Country of origin vs. country of consignment: For example, Austria may use the country of origin as the partner country while for community statistics the Member State of consignment is used in intra-EU trade.
• Treatment of goods in 'quasi' transit: Some Member States (e.g. Belgium and Netherlands) do not record in their national figures goods, which they consider to be ‘in transit’. These flows are included in the Community statistics under intra- or extra-EU trade, as appropriate. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as the ‘Rotterdam effect’;
• Different trade system for compilation of statistics: applying the general trade system at national level rather than the special trade system used for Eurostat data.
The European Union's external trade is one of the pillars of the European economic policy. The following charts document the monthly trade flows in value inside the European Union, and between the EU and its trading partners outside:
European Union's trade statistics are based on Union legislation. Data on the European Union's external trade and on trade between Member States are compiled by Eurostat from raw data supplied by the national statistical institutions of the Member States. Broken down by Member State, the Intra- and Extra-EU trade database shows annual statistical data and time series up to the latest year available, and the latest monthly data since 2000:
For a total of around 10,000 products or groups of products it provides all trade flows between the EU Members (intra-European Union trade) and between the EU Members and around 200 extra-European Union countries.
The list of products (classification) is the Combined Nomenclature (CN), which has been provided by the European Union as a subdivision of the Harmonised System (HS). In the Combined Nomenclature each product is defined by an eight-digit code.
More about the Combined Nomenclature
The latest version is now available from EU Official Journal C 76 of March 2015
CN-code "01022130" defines the product "Pure-bred breeding cows (exc. heifers)"
It can be read as a composition of two HS- and a final CN-level(s):
HS2 => the first two-digits "01" define the chapter "Live animals"
HS4 => the first four-digits "0102" define the sub-chapter "Live bovine animals"
CN8 => the full eight-digits "01022130" define the final EU-level of graduation "Pure-bred breeding cows (exc. heifers)"
Note: up to HS4 the data figures are comparable with all national and international trade statistics related to the HS system (e.g. the OECD databases on external trade).
For each HS-/CN-level the intra- and extra-EU trade database provides the following data:
trade flows:
All CN-codes are associated with a period of validity as shown in brackets aside: "01021030 (01/1993-12/2011)" replaced since 01/2012 by "01022130 (01/2012)" (see example above).
Make your choice. The links below guide you directly to the corresponding databases ("Total" and the chapter at HS2 level) or links to the sub-chapters (listing HS4, HS6 and CN8).
To monitor EU Members' latest aggregated merchandise import and export flows of goods on a monthly basis, DSI provides a special app on your mobile devices:
Intra- Extra- EU Trade Data
Intra-Extra-EU Trade Statistics
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